Price Your Services to Reflect Their Value
Course1.0 BACB Learning CEU offered. This webinar will provide actionable strategies for calculating prices that reflect the value of your services.
Performance Evaluations
Course1.0 Supervision CEU offered. This session reviews different methods for evaluation of behavior technicians, BCBA's, and director-level staff followed by a group discussion of successes, challenges, and solutions.
The Stay Interview and Other Long-Term Retention Strategies
Course1.0 Learning CEU offered. Speakers discuss successful staff retention initiatives as well as those that were not successful.
Building a Diverse Culture
Course1.0 Ethics CEU offered. This breakout session is an interactive discussion with session attendees that is focused on addressing diversity within autism provider organizations to create a diverse culture that supports both employees and clients.
Aligning People and Strategy: Behavioral Systems Analysis
Course1.0 Learning CEU offered. An example of a Behavior Systems Analysis will be shared that demonstrates how to sift through organizational complexity and identify barriers to human performance so they can be addressed strategically.
Playing Nice in the ABA Sandbox
Course1.0 Ethics CEU offered. This presentation focuses on the ethical, quality, and long-term considerations of ABA companies who “take more rather than make more” qualified candidates. Collaboration amongst competitors is discussed.