Aligning People and Strategy
Behavioral Systems Analysis
Original Air Date: January 12, 2021 (as part of the CASP 2021 UnCONVENTIONal Conference)
CEU offered: 1.0 Learning CEU
Webinar Duration: 1 hour
CE Instructors:
- Ivy Chong, PhD, BCBA-D
- Lori Ludwig, PhD
A Behavior Systems Analysis aligns three levels of performers within an organization (i.e., Senior Leadership, Process & Line Leaders, and Key Performers / Doers) to produce desired results through coordinated actions. Alignment must include proactive and timely communication about anything getting in the way of a performer achieving their goals. There are two ways to address barriers: Work teams can resolve their local issues, or when a barrier is caused or can only be addressed by the larger system, it needs to be escalated to senior leaders. When such processes are missing or take too long, valuable time, energy, and resources bleed out of an organization and cause stress. An example of a Behavior Systems Analysis will be shared that demonstrates how to sift through organizational complexity and identify barriers to human performance so they can be addressed strategically.