Supervision of Applied Behavior Analysis Services & Training
Course10 Learning CEUs offered (8.0 Supervision + 2.0 Ethics). CASP is proud to present an 8+ hour supervision training program for behavior analysts. Learn how to build successful supervisory relationships from the best!
Assessment of Adult Core Competencies
Course1.5 Learning CEU offered. This training covers comprehensive assessment protocols as they apply to serving adults and adolescents with autism and other intellectual disabilities (ID).
The New BACB Ethics Code and Other Hot Topics in Ethics
Course1.5 Ethics CEU offered. The CASP Ethics Special Interest Group (SIG) discuss the implementation of the new BACB ethics codes that go into effect on January 1, 2022.
Starting the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Journey
Course1.0 Ethics CEU offered. In this interactive panel discussion, members of the CASP DEI Special Interest Group (SIG) share their organizations’ journeys with diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.
Towards Trauma-Assumed Applied Behavior Analysis
Course1.5 Learning CEU offered. Dr. Hanley describes a contemporary and trauma-assumed version of ABA for consideration when working with autistic persons or those with intellectual disabilities, especially when problem behavior is probable.
Virtual Town Hall on the Judicious Use of Restraint
Course1.5 Learning CEU offered. Drs. Fisher and Roane facilitate a discussion of the judicious and appropriate use of restraint and the issues behavior analysts should address when considering the application of restraint for a given individual.