The Role of Compassion and Ethics in Decision-Making Regarding Access to Applied Behavior Analysis Services During the COVID-19 Crisis
Original Webinar Date: June 17, 2020
CEU offered: 1.0 BACB Ethics CEU
Short Title: Compassion & Ethics in Decision-Making/ABA during COVID19
Webinar Duration: 65 min
CE Instructors:
- Linda LeBlanc, Ph.D, BCBA-D
- Junie Lazo-Pearson, Ph.D, BCBA-D
- Joy Pollard, Ph.D, BCBA-D
- Lorri Unumb, Esq.
Cox, Plavnick, & Brodhead (2020) published a position statement in the emergency section of BAP in response to the COVID-19 crisis. They argued against a blanket interpretation that in-person ABA services for all patients should continue during the COVID-19 pandemic. They strongly argued that the risks of continued services are almost always prohibitive and that only in rare cases would continuation of in-person services be warranted. Columbo, Wallace & Taylor (2020) soon thereafter published a response to the article pointing out the potential dangers associated with the position and paper of Cox et al. They included a detailed decision model to assist providers in making nuanced and informed data-based decisions that provide the opportunity to honor the ethical responsibility for not abandoning patients. We echo the importance of the Columbo et al. response and add points of response centered on balanced ethical decision-making informed by compassionate family-centered care. LeBlanc, Lazo-Pearson, Pollard, & Unumb (2020)
Learning Objectives:
Objective #1: Attendees will be able to identify at least 2 ethical concerns associated with the view that the risks of continued ABA services during COVID-19 are almost always prohibitive.
Objective #2: Attendees will be able to identify 2 code elements pertinent to the suggestion that balanced ethical decision-making should be informed by compassionate family-centered care.