Defending ABA

Original Air Date: January 13, 2021 (as part of the CASP 2021 UnCONVENTIONal Conference)

CEU offered: 1.0 Supervision CEU

Webinar Duration: 1 hour

CE Instructors:

  • Justin Leaf, PhD


It’s the best of times:  ABA has proved to be highly successful in the treatment of ASD.  It’s the worst of times:  There are tremendous threats to ABA! There is a growing belief that ABA is a harmful treatment that should be abolished or reformed.  It is being likened to sending children to the coal mines!  ABA is being viewed as abusive and ineffective.  Often this is based upon misinformation and a misunderstanding about ABA. Tragically, however, it is also based upon poor quality treatment that abounds throughout the world.  This is not only resulting in reinforcing the notion that ABA is abusive, but poor treatment is simply not effective.  Not all ABA is alike!  It ranges from rigid and protocol-driven intervention to progressive ABA.  It is essential that we fully recognize the threats to our field and make the necessary adaptations.  We must understand that poor ABA is a threat to the field and to clients and families we serve.   We must be part of the solution!!!


Co-Director of Research and Director of Training , Autism Partnership Foundation Justin Leaf, PhD

Justin Leaf, Ph.D., is the Co-Director of Research and Director of Training for Autism Partnership Foundation and Professor at Endicott College. Justin received his doctorate degree in Behavioral Psychology from the Department of Applied Behavioral Science at the University of Kansas. Currently, Justin leads the research team at Autism Partnership Foundation, which conducts research nationally and internationally. His research interests include examining methods to improve social behaviors for children and adolescents with autism and developing friendships, comparing different teaching methodologies, evaluating parameters of reinforcement, and evaluating long term outcomes for individuals diagnosed with autism. Justin has over 100 publications in either peer reviewed journals, books, or book chapters and has presented at both national and international professional conferences and invited events. Justin also recently edited a book entitled Handbook of Social Skills and Autism Spectrum Disorder: Assessment, Curricula, and Intervention. Justin is an Associate Editor for Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Justin also serves or has served on the editorial board for the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, and the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.